80 Following

Allusion is not Illusion

You'll pry my books off my cold, dead body. By the time you shift them all I'll be flat and dessicated.

Currently reading

Winter's Tales
Karen Blixen, Isak Dinesen
Black Lamb and Grey Falcon
Christopher Hitchens, Rebecca West
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell
Susanna Clarke
Already Dead
Charlie Huston
The Rings of Saturn
W.G. Sebald, Michael Hulse
Lady Audley's Secret
Mary Elizabeth Braddon, David Skilton
Unequal Protection: How Corporations Became "People" - And How You Can Fight Back
Thom Hartmann
The City, Not Long After
Pat Murphy
You Can Sketch: A Step-by-Step Guide for Absolute Beginners
Jackie Simmonds
Lonely Werewolf Girl
Martin Millar
Briar Rose - Robert Coover Robert Coover can imagine an endless variety of rape scenes, each more revolting than the last. What talent! With writing like this, one doesn't even need a plot -- which is fortunate because there isn't one, just sordidness alternating with abstract and pointless musings from the three underdeveloped, unsympathetic characters. The author blurb describes Coover's writing as "experimental" and I think this novella is an excellent example of how novelty isn't always desirable.

If you think the concept sounds intriguing, I strongly recommend Angela Carter's The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories, Anne Sexton's Transformations or Emma Donoghue's Kissing the Witch: Old Tales in New Skins instead. I felt that Coover wanted to do what they had done but made it more extreme and graphic so he could claim to be original rather than imitative. In the process he lost the meaningfulness.