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Allusion is not Illusion

You'll pry my books off my cold, dead body. By the time you shift them all I'll be flat and dessicated.

Currently reading

Winter's Tales
Karen Blixen, Isak Dinesen
Black Lamb and Grey Falcon
Christopher Hitchens, Rebecca West
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell
Susanna Clarke
Already Dead
Charlie Huston
The Rings of Saturn
W.G. Sebald, Michael Hulse
Lady Audley's Secret
Mary Elizabeth Braddon, David Skilton
Unequal Protection: How Corporations Became "People" - And How You Can Fight Back
Thom Hartmann
The City, Not Long After
Pat Murphy
You Can Sketch: A Step-by-Step Guide for Absolute Beginners
Jackie Simmonds
Lonely Werewolf Girl
Martin Millar
Ellen and the Queen - Gillian Avery

Snippet-like story about a naughty girl who meets a somewhat less naughty richer girl. They misbehave for a day. The end.

The Queen is coming on a visit to the local nobleman. The schoolkids get to see her pass by, but not Ellen because she is being punished for not doing her assignment and being rude. She sneaks off (leaving the four-year-old siblings she is supposed to be watching) and bumps into the nobleman's daughter, who is ditching her nurse. They eat some stolen candy, spy on the prep for the royal visit, see the Queen's ankles by hiding under the bed.

If there was a moral, I missed it. Ellen is genuinely not a likable kid: she brags all the time, is mean to younger kids, disobeys her mother in fairly serious ways (as in, might cause her to lose her position, which was a serious thing in the 19th century), talks back to the teacher, doesn't do her work at school or home. The teacher is kind of mean by today's standards but not too bad, and Ellen's family seems pretty nice. So this isn't a spunky-girl-rebelling-against-oppression story, is my point in brief.

This wasn't bad, but it seemed kind of pointless. It was the kind of day that one might remember from one's own childhood (minus the Victorian aspect) that is interesting from the personal perspective; this kind of story can be made interesting to strangers if one is a good story-teller, but Avery isn't anything special as a writer.This took me under half an hour to read, and I was already bored before I finished it.